Combinely changelog

Grant access to emails by tagging

You can now share visibility of emails beyond those involved in a thread by tagging someone in a comment (type @ or + in comments to tag).

View agenda per subteam

Your feedback: "Being able to see a breakdown of the Agenda per subteam or team member would allow me to better understand which teams need more support".

What we've done: View the breakdown of Agenda items per subteam or team member on the Overview page.

Concern notification severity threshold

Your feedback: "It would be helpful to only get alerted on the more serious concerns"

What we've done: Adjust the severity of concerns you get alerted for in your Notification Settings.

New Daily Agenda Email

Your feedback: "It would be great to get a summary of the agenda items every morning"

What we've done: We've released an all-new "Daily Agenda" email! It now includes relevant snippets for concerns, unreplied email, follow-ups and upcoming commitments – allowing you to at a glance understand what's going on and click on a category to deep-dive and resolve items.

Agenda Timeline + 1-click resolution

Your feedback: "The agenda can require quite a lot of clicks to get through and resolve all items"

What we've done: The Agenda now shows a timeline view of items across all clients, with 1-click resolution and smart snippets – allowing you to quickly get context and resolve items.

Upcoming commitments has been updated to now only track your organization's commitments, rather than commitments clients need to meet. Try out the new Agenda here.

Monthly reports

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New reports on growth, retention, client service and workload are now available! You can access them here.

We've designed these to provide more focused & actionable insights as well as quantify the potential revenue impact of acting on them.

Compliments in analytics

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You can now view trends for client compliments across time per team on the Overview, per client on the Clients page, and per team member on the Team page.

Compliments on Overview & Profile

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Your feedback: "We'd love to know when we've hit a home run in our client service".

What we've done: Recent compliments are now highligted on the Overview page, and you can view all compliments on client or team member profile pages.

Use this to recognise great work by your team, and to identify your most happy clients that would be most receptive to new services or providing referrals & testimonials.

Coming soon: Compliments analytics per team, team member and client.

Severity of client concern

Your feedback: "Concerns vary in severity; being able to focus on the most serious concerns first would be helpful"

What we've done: You can now filter by severity (low/medium/high):

  • Agenda page: hover over the "Concern" tab and select the severity

  • Profile page: hover over the "Concerns" filter and select the severity

Let us know your experience with this – we will continue to iterate on the classification between the different severity levels based on your feedback.

Coming soon: filter concern notifications by severity.

Snippet of client concern

Your feedback: "I'd like quickly understand which part of the email is flagged as a concern"

What we've done: The client's concern will now be highlighted in light red when viewing an email containing a concern.

Zapier integration

Your feedback: "We use various systems to hold customer information (e.g. HubSpot, Karbon, Ignition) – having Combinely in sync and pull from these systems would be valuable"

What we've done: We've created 2 Combinely Actions in Zapier:

  • Add Client: Use this to have clients automatically added to Combinely when they're added to another system

  • Add Client Service: Use this to update which services are being delivered to a client and related information such as fee information

To integrate Combinely with Zapier, follow this link:

Automate client list update

Your feedback: "I'd like for clients to be added automatically based on who I interact with"

What we've done: You can now view client suggestions and set up automations to have them automatically added every week.

Client suggestions are based on external contacts that your team has interacted with but aren't added as clients.

You can now also prevent certain contacts from being added as a client, if you'd like to ensure that they are not added automatically or manually.

To view suggested clients and set up automations, head to Settings > Clients.

Associate clients to teams

Your feedback: "Our people org versus our client service org are not aligned. Tagging clients to teams would make the insights more actionable."

What we've done: You can now restrict team access to specific clients by following the steps below!

  1. Head to Settings > Teams.

  2. Click on the "..." to the right of the team name and click on "Restrict clients".

  3. Select the clients you would like to restrict team access to.

  4. Once you're done, click "Save changes". The client restriction will apply to that team as well as any subteam.

The new access controls take effect immediately, and the analytics will be refreshed within 36 hours.

Comments activity notifications

Receive an email notification whenever there's been a new comment posted within a thread that you've interacted with.

This is enabled by default for all users, and can be disabled in the Settings page:

Tag people in comments

Your feedback: "Adding comments to provide context is helpful, but sometimes you need to involve others – tagging them so that you can more easily collaborate would be helpful."

What we've done: Tag people in comments by typing "+" or "@" in the comments box, just like in Google Docs. Tagged users will receive an email instantly and will be able to reply in 1 click.

Outlook Integration

Combinely now supports Microsoft organizations and Outlook mailboxes. We're excited to be able to expand the breadth of customers that can use Combinely.

Concern Alerts

Your feedback: "Being able to act on a concern within minutes of receiving it would be super powerful"

What we've done: Receive an email alert as soon as new client concern is made. This will allow you to be at the top of your game in addressing client concerns in a timely manner.

You can choose to filter the concern alerts by team as well as decide what concern categories (mistake, billing, etc) you would like to receive an email for.

To enable this new feature, head to the Settings page:

Daily Agenda Notification

Your feedback: "I don't know when there's something important I should look at on Combinely"

What we've done: Receive a daily email informing you of unresolved agenda items that you care about.

To enable this new feature, head to the Settings page:

Improved Feedback Process with Productlane Integration

We are excited to announce that we are integrating our feedback process with Productlane. This new integration will make it easier for you to share your feedback and gain better visibility into our current projects and future plans.

You can share your feedback here and check back periodically to stay updated on product developments.

Looking forward to your input!

Tom & Arthur